The article discusses the features of holding the all-Russian athletics competitions and determination of the level of sportsmenship among the persons with locomotor system diseases. Marked insufficient total number of participants, the predominance of men over women, boys against girls, the number of participants of the championship over the participants of the championship of Russia. Many champions and winners of the championship and the primacy of Russia show mediocre results. There is no competition in many athletic disciplines. Only 12 % of the finals was not less than 6 members, which is a necessary requirement for assignment of the sports discharges in case of their implementation. For a significant number of medals there were no contenders. Many potential participants were unable to reach these competitions because of problems with financing. It is especially difficult to reach Cheboksary for the participants from remote regions of the Russian Federation. On the basis of analysis and generalization of the data the authors revealed the necessity of improving the normative-legal base, regulating the participation of persons with persons with locomotor system disease at all-Russian and regional competitions in athletics.
Keywords: athletics, persons with locomotor system desease, championship of Russia, the Protocol and the provisions on conducting competitions, sports categories
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Issue: 1, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 103 — 107
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