The article deals with the fragment of Ingeborg Bachmann’s novel “Malina”. This chapter is about dreams of main character. This dreams mirror the thematic direction of the whole text. Special attention is given to musical and sound side of the chapter. The sound occures in the speech characteristics of the main character. The speech, written and oral, is a detector of her freedom. The possibility of speech self-expression helps the woman to withstand the outside pressure. Music also accompanies the narration. It is a tool in the struggle for freedom. Music shows in dances and songs. The article analyzes the stages and manifestation of musicality in the literary work. Possession of music, sound and voice instills confidence in main character. The article deals with different levels of text: lexical, phonological, grammatical, and graphical. The author uses different methods (lexical, phonological, grammatical, and graphical) for creation of sound cover of literary text. In the article we can see the evolution of sound and music in text.
Keywords: Ingeborg Bachmann, dreams, musicality, voice, sound, silence
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Issue: 9, 2014
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 121 — 125
Downloads: 771