The article is devoted to the research of perception of existential potential of the personality and Dostoyevsky's creativity by the Russian religious philosophers of the turn of the XIX–XX centuries. Religious philosophers revealed the mechanism of realization of philosophical potential of existential anthropology of Dostoyevsky in his works of art and an ego-documents. Religious philosophers are concentrated not on detection of compliance of views of Dostoyevsky to a moral and philosophical paradigm of existentialism, and on the search of existential meanings of creativity of the writer and corresponding to them existential in the fundamental principle of ways of a text creation. Representatives of the Russian kosmizm for the first time approached to existential interpretation of the worldview of the writer, both artistic and personal, created under the influence of empirical impressions and esthetic experiences. Ideological fullness of works was understood by them in indissoluble unity with Dostoyevsky's life experience.
Keywords: F.M. Dostoyevsky, author, existential consciousness, personality, existential anthropology, ideal, dialogue, religious experience, religious philosophy, N. A. Berdyaev, Vl. Solovyov, G. V. Florovsky, S. L. Frank, N. O. Lossky, K. Leontyev, L. Shestov
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Issue: 9, 2014
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 96 — 103
Downloads: 865