The article presents the first experience of scientific interpretation of the poem “Monument” by Russian literary figure of the first half of the XX century Boris Aleksandrovich Sadovskoy (1881–1952). This work, being a part of the last created poetic book of B. A. Sadovskoy “Abode of Death” (1917), is analyzed in the context of the genre tradition of the poem “Monument”, which began with the world literature Horace’s ode “To Melpomene”. It is reported that the latest author reinterprets polemically thematic and stylistic elements typical of the mentioned tradition (ekphrasis, the motives of the immortality of poetry and fame of the poet in the memory of future generations, the “national geography” theme of distribution poetic glory), reflected in the translation and poetic setting of Horace’s odes by M. V. Lomonosov, G. R. Derzhavin, A. A. Fet, G. S. Baten'kov. Special attention is paid to polemic dialogue between Sadovskoy’s “Monument” and a poem by A. S. Pushkin “I have erected a monument for myself...”, which largely determines the structure and meaning of the work of the newest poet. The conclusion is that the B. A. Sadovskoy’s work preserving the main features of the genre traditions of the poem “Monument”: thematic and stylistic elements of epitaph (antapite), ekphrasis, poems-wills, “the last poem” has undoubted potential to rethink this tradition which appear in the poetic practice of later authors (V. Mayakovsky, V. Hodasevich, I. Brodsky, Vladimir Vysotsky, V. Shenderovich and others) in three modes of the attitude to it – polemical, ironic and gaming.
Keywords: poem “Monument”, genre tradition, polemic dialogue, ekphrasis, motive, verbally-themed complex
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Issue: 9, 2014
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 90 — 95
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