The article deals with the problems of interaction between institutional and personal in V. D. Kolupayev’s idiodiscourse and the specification of the resulting synthetic discourse. The study of Tomsk fantast’s later prose showed, that syntetism of discourse reflects the integrated nature of author’s individual picture of the world and linguopersonological peculiarities of V. D. Kolupayev as a science fiction writer and a physicist. One can see the growing synthesis of V. D. Kolupayev’s idiodiscourse in his last published works: «Space and Time for the fantast», «Timeless», «Socrates of the Siberian Athens». Synthetic interaction between institutional and personal causes the transformation of scientific and art prose into philosophical. Basic means of synthesis are the genre of parody, the first-person narrative, and the polysemantic keywords.
Keywords: creative language personality, personalization of institutional discourse, synthetic discourse, conceptual integration
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Issue: 10, 2014
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 157 — 164
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