Tomsk university professor S.I. Gessen’s participation in professional development of Siberian teachers in the years of the Revolution and of the Civil War.
The article investigates the activity of Tomsk university professor S.I. Gessen, one of organizers of pedagogical courses in the summers of 1918 and 1919, the initiator of opening of Pedagogical institute attached to TSU, the creator of foundations of pedagogics as applied philosophy.
Keywords: professor S.I. Gessen, pedagogical courses, Tomsk teachers, the system of pedagogic formation, pedagogical Tomsk
1. School and Life of Siberia, 1918, № 4.
2. School and Life of Siberia, № 3, 1918.
3. F. F. Shamahov. The School of West Siberia… P.68; «The Banner of Revolution, 1918, 21 of April».
4. Pedagogical Chronicle. School and Life of Siberia, 1918, № 3.
5. Pedagogical Chronicle School and Life of Siberia, 1918, № 4.
6. The Report on the Activity of Tomsk Summer Teachers’ Courses of 1918, Томск, 1919.
7. Gessen S.I. Foundations of Pedagogics. Introduction in practical philosophy. M., 1995.
8. The Professors of Tomsk Univ,: Bibliography dictionary. Fominih S.F., Nekrilov. S.P. and others. Tomsk, Part 2. 1996.
Issue: 2, 2009
Rubric: Pedagogy: Theory and Practice
Pages: 11 — 17
Downloads: 998