Spirituality and the picture of the Person’s World
In this article the author analyses the concept of the picture of the world and its meaning in the person’s life. Spirituality is looked at in two aspects: spirituality as the unit of soul and spirit and as the subjective inner world of the person. The author also analyses the concept of spirituality in the works of Russian philosophers and in home and foreign psychology. Special attention is drawn to interconnection and integration of soul and spirituality. And their specific character and interconnection allows the author to speak about archetypical basis of Russian soul. Of special interest is the author’s approach to spirituality as the manifestation of love. The analysis of the inner picture of the world as the spiritual world which forms the outside world is produced.
Issue: 1, 2005
Series of issue: Psychology
Rubric: Theory and Methodology
Pages: 5 — 7
Downloads: 1055