Is it Possible to Formalize the Ket Language?
The paper represents critical notes concerning the paper of K.Y. Reshetnikov and G.S. Starostin «The Structure of Ket Verbal Word-form» in the book «Ket Collection. Linguistics». M., 1995, in which the authors try to build the structure of the Ket verb according to the types of conjugation. Analysing the materials of A. P. Dulson in his book «The Ket Language», Tomsk, 1968, T.A. Kabanova proves the impossibility to interprete the morphemes of the Ket verb unambiguous'v because all of them are polysemantic. The author confirms that by numerous examples. T.A. Kabanova adduces the models proposed by the authors above and analyses them, on the bases of the data represented in the book of A.Р. Dulson. She makes critical notes to some word - forms, to actant system, to the category of time, to the voice and aspect forms in the paper of K.Y. Reshetnikov and G.S. Starostin.
Issue: 1, 2002
Series of issue: Humanities (Philology)
Rubric: Academic Papers
Pages: 58 — 62
Downloads: 855