Features of the artistic conceptsphere representation
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2024-6-56-64
The fundamental, from the author’s point of view, concepts of linguo-aesthetic analysis of a literary text are considered: expresseme and concept. An expresseme is understood as a component of a literary text that provides the perception of the expressive and figurative qualities of aesthetic linguistic material. A concept is defined as a named linguomental construct, embodied in the language in an associative-semantic field. An artistic concept is defined as a phenomenon that is not fundamentally different from the concept in the linguistic picture of the world, but represents the artistic picture of the world and is explicated by figurative means in the broadest sense. The specificity of the presentation of the conceptsphere of F. Tyutchev’s poetic creativity, which is a clearly organized system, is described. The features of the presentation of the concepts NATURE, GOD, LOVE, SLAVRY in the poetic works of F. Tyutchev are analyzed. The focus is on words and super-word nominations, common to the zone of associativesemantic fields, representing three fundamental concepts for F. Tyutchev: GOD, NATURE, LOVE. The concept NATURE qualifies as the most significant in the conceptual sphere of F. Tyutchev’s poetry. Its explicators are primarily lexical expressemes – words and tropical phrases, as well as small figurative syntactic constructions. It is stated that the ideological and artistic concept of GOD is represented by both traditional verbalizers and expressems. The concept LOVE, despite the significance of its content for the poet and its intersection with the field of the concept NATURE, cannot be considered central in his conceptual sphere. The ideological concept SLAVYNESS, which does not include artistic verbalizers in its field, is nevertheless a significant component of the conceptual sphere of F. Tyutchev’s poetic creativity, since it embodies an extremely important point of view for the poet’s worldview on Slavism as a really existing political and moral phenomenon. Consideration of the specifics of the explication of the concept sphere of F. Tyutchev’s poetry allows us to come to the conclusion that the basis of this conceptsphere is the artistic concept NATURE, the associative-semantic field of which intersects with the fields of the equally significant, but less demonstratively presented concept LOVE and the ideological and artistic concept GOD. The ideological concept SLAVRY is interesting not only because it is not represented by expressemes, but also because its associative-semantic field does not intersect with the fields of other components of the conceptsphere.
Keywords: expresseme, concept, concept sphere, associative-semantic field
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Issue: 6, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 56 — 64
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