Teaching normative French pronunciation as an important component of mastering oral speech skills
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2024-6-112-122
The article is devoted to the role of pronunciation in teaching French. Attention is focused on prosodic factors that play an important role in the process of understanding a statement. Decoding of verbal communication takes place at the intellectual, linguistic, emotional and relational levels. The interlocutors perceive not only individual words, but also the tone of the utterance. Intonationally transmitted information allows you to understand the deep meaning of the utterance and its components. The purpose of the study is to determine the place of the phonetic component in the methodology of teaching a foreign language. The following research methods are used in the work: analysis of pedagogical, methodological, linguistic literature and the work experience of Russian and foreign phonetists; the method of scientific description; synthesis and generalization of their own practice of teaching French at the university. Many modern researchers in the field of foreign language teaching methods are supporters of communicative learning, leading to a new perception of the role of pronunciation, and awareness of the importance of intonation parameters of speech.The effectiveness of teaching the French language is increased with the use of special exercises for practicing prosodic phenomena, in which the phonosemantic approach appeals to sound matter and contributes to the formation of foreign language pronunciation skills. The result is the development of exercises based on the analysis of traditional and modern didactic principles. It is proposed to practice pronunciation skills in order to correct oral speech according to the following parameters: intonation and rhythm, intensity of articulation, phonetic environment. The effectiveness of training at the segment level increases with the use of exercises based on the principle of “from simple to complex”. The suprasegmental level, which implies normative stress, correct melody, rhythm, and pauses, also plays a significant role in mastering the articulation base of the language being studied. Only the complex perception of the above phonetic phenomena leads to the assimilation of the articulatory base of a foreign language. Thus, students need to master phonetic and phonological skills, since their insufficient formation will have negative consequences for the entire language learning process.
Keywords: pronunciation, segmental level, suprasegmental level, pronunciation skills, teaching, didactic principles, French language
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Issue: 6, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 112 — 122
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