Epistolary of V. Mayakovsky as a discursive space of the author’s self-presentation
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2024-6-7-16
Modern cognitive and discursive linguistics are a direction in linguistics that focuses on the study of the mechanisms of linguistic representation of personality. Within the anthropocentric paradigm, linguistic research takes on a new dimension, focusing on the study of various aspects of human activity and perception of the world through a linguistic prism, as well as the ways an individual interacts with the sociocultural environment through language. The main subject of analysis within this topic is the study of how individual personality traits are manifested in language and how language influences the formation and expression of these characteristics. Discourse, in turn, is a specific linguistic work (text), in which various linguistic means are implemented and interact, thereby reflecting the identity of the author and his relationship with the social environment. Discourse analysis allows us to identify exactly how linguistic personality is manifested in various types of texts, be it public speech, literary work, scientific text or letters. The epistolary of Vladimir Mayakovsky is one of the most significant sources for studying not only the literary heritage of the author, but also the mechanisms of his self-presentation in the context of cultural life of the early 20th century. Writing as a genre, traditionally recognized as secondary in relation to the main literary works, in the context of Mayakovsky’s work acts as a fruitful discursive space where both intellectual and emotional aspects of his creative personality are revealed through the author’s self-presentation. In the course of analyzing the multidimensional factors of V. V. Mayakovsky’s self-presentation, a set of tools used by the author to structure interaction with the recipients of his texts and to present his identity within the framework of epistolary discourse is determined. Attention is focused on the study of techniques for representing personality in a certain discourse. A discursive analysis of the epistolary heritage of V. V. Mayakovsky allows us to identify the specifics of the author’s self-presentation, which was determined not only by the personal ambitions and life experience of the poet, but also by the broad context of the sociocultural changes of the era.
Keywords: epistolary discourse, epistolary genre, private correspondence, communicative strategy, self-presentation, Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky
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Issue: 6, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 7 — 16
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