Educational models of mathematical literacy development
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2024-5-147-156
Functional literacy is considered as a systemic educational result of basic general education, aimed at socializing the teacher through solving real problems using subject and meta-subject knowledge. The structure of functional literacy is represented by a set of components: reading, natural science, mathematics, financial, critical and creative thinking. The formation of a set of these components requires the design within an educational organization of an appropriate motivating environment, which includes social, cultural, as well as specially organized psychological and pedagogical conditions. Designing a motivating educational environment is the result of the activities of the school's teaching team, which accepts this as a strategic task and solves it through joint efforts. Mathematical literacy is defined as the ability to solve real-world problems through a set of activities: conducting mathematical reasoning, as well as formulating, applying and interpreting. The process of developing mathematical literacy can be carried out in various forms: lesson, workshop, extracurricular and project activities, etc. Each of them has its own specific features. Thus, the lessons provide mastery of specific mathematical content and demonstration of its use to solve life problems. The workshop, which serves as a complement to mathematics lessons, places emphasis on students mastering the method of mathematical modeling, for which various methods of presenting data are used: text, graphic, tabular, photo, drawing, etc. Also, when conducting a workshop, there are more opportunities to combine individual, group and collective form of work. Extracurricular activities, which are characterized by a wide range of different forms of learning, can also be productively used in the process of developing mathematical skills. Depending on age, this could be a club, an elective, etc. Another variant of the model for the formation of mathematical literacy is educational design, when students independently solve a certain problem using a set of subject knowledge under the guidance of a teacher. Project work can be carried out either individually or in a group, including students of the same age and of different ages. Project activities allow you to build productive communication between students and develop teamwork skills. Project activities allow you to organize various interdisciplinary projects where different types of functional literacy are combined.
Keywords: functional literacy, mathematical literacy, educational models, socialization for learning
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Issue: 5, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 147 — 156
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