Development of critical thinking by means of visualization of grammatical material in the process of learning Russian as a foreign language
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2024-5-138-146
In connection with the transition to new educational standards, there is a search for effective teaching methods and techniques that form a number of competencies necessary for professional activities. Representatives of different countries receive education in Russian higher educational institutions, for whom education begins with the study of the Russian language, therefore this discipline can be considered the basis for the development of competencies outlined in the Federal State Educational Standard. An analysis of normative documentation organizing the educational process at a university showed the importance of developing critical thinking among graduates receiving vocational education, so the article examined the meaning of the concept of “critical thinking.” The purpose of this article is to present the development of such methodological material that will contribute to the formation of this type of thinking, as well as motivation to study Russian as a foreign language. Studying the concepts of critical thinking and visualization, how these terms are presented in the scientific works of various authors, made it possible to systematize their meaning in order to create visual materials used in practical classes. The article discusses the importance of visualizing grammatical material for the development of critical thinking in the process of studying the discipline “Russian as a Foreign Language”. To improve the quality of the results of studying the Russian language when considering its grammatical structure, it is proposed to use supporting logical-communicative schemes in practical classes, which contribute not only to the formation of critical thinking, but also develop the communication skills of foreign students. The proposed scheme options can become the basis for teachers to create their own developments for lessons in which the grammar of not only the Russian language, but also other foreign languages is studied.
Keywords: visualization, Russian as a foreign language, logical and communicative reference schemes, active learning, visual literacy, critical thinking
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Issue: 5, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 138 — 146
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