Technology of flowed learning: advantages, disadvantages and creating ideal conditions for introduction in the educational process
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2024-5-90-98
Questions regarding the integration of “flipped learning” technology in the academic process, which allow students to acquire and understand new material outside of the classroom and apply it in academic discussions, debates, and projects, draw particular attention from researchers and staff in educational facilities. The application of this technique invokes the student’s creative potential and capability, leading to improved learning outcomes and student activity, however its successful application requires certain approaches and resources. The purpose of the study is to determine the essence of “flipped learning”; to study its existing advantages and disadvantages; to evaluate the effectiveness of the assimilation process of the studied material by students as a result of the introduction of this technology. The resources for this study were the theoretical methods of comparative analysis and general content of scientific and pedagogical literature by domestic and foreign scientists working in similar research areas. The verification of the accuracy and validity of the constructed model, which indicated the effectiveness of the technology used, was carried out by the methods of observation, pedagogical experiment, modeling, regression and correlation analyses. The main characteristics of learning are described: the individualization of the educational process, the rational distribution of free time with productive independent work at one’s own pace, and the unlimited use of electronic educational resources. Despite the identified imperfections and certain potential problems for teachers and students, the technology has many advantages, and discussions by authors of the scientific and pedagogical literature on the topic of study made it possible to carry out our own research to identify the advantages and disadvantages when introduced into the educational process. The effectiveness of the degree of material assimilation when using this technology was tested by us at the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of Buryat State University and at the Ulan-Bator branch of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. In the course of the study, tests trials were carried out to measure residual knowledge and students were surveyed to assess the quality of the proposed technology. As an experiment to determine the effectiveness of the methodology, the authors prepared and posted presentations on one of the basic topics of mathematical analysis in the digital educational sphere of universities. To achieve maximum efficiency in the use of this method, it is necessary to take into account the individual needs and abilities of each student and to create a suitable environment for independent work, providing necessary technical support. The results of the study demonstrated that ad the results of the application of “flipped learning”, students were motivated to improve the quality of gained knowledge, and were incentivized to learn on their own, and the level of their self-organization increased as well.
Keywords: flipped classroom, teaching methodology, blended learning, interactive learning, educational process, informational educational environment of the university
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Issue: 5, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 90 — 98
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