Principles of Specialized Training Learning in the Modern Education System
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2024-5-17-24
A solid foundation for comprehensive personal development is specialized training learning, which contributes to the harmonious development of the learner, taking into account his potential, physical and mental health, through differentiation and individualization of education. The idea of specialized training learning is not new, but its relevance remains high in the current time interval. The principles underlying specialized training learning have been explored by both domestic and foreign researchers. The assessment of their relevance in a changing reality, considering the requirements of modern society and the professional environment, forms the basis of this article. In this regard, the interdependence of specialized training learning principles was established in the study, corresponding to the levels of research methodology. Two levels were identified: systemic and intrasystemic principles. A comparative analysis of the content of systemic principles made it possible to determine the list of postulates that continue to form the basis of specialized training learning, namely: the principle of democratization and humanization; the principle of adequacy and prospectiveness; the principle of integration and differentiation; the principle of variability and alternativeness. The study of intrasystemic principles enabled the formation of their structure, highlighting two components: the fundamental postulates on which teaching in heterogeneous classes is based, and the fundamental postulates on which the content of a particular academic discipline is based. The content of these principles is disclosed in the article. The principles underlying teaching in heterogeneous classes are: the principle of social interaction, the principle of acknowledging the diversity of all students. The principles underlying the content of a particular academic discipline are: the principle of aligning the educational content with the level and pace of social, economic, and societal development to achieve the set goals; the principle of accessibility of learning content for its qualitative assimilation, combined with scientific and practice-oriented components; the principle of continuity, which serves as a connecting principle, ensuring the structural integrity of education at all its stages.
Keywords: specialized training learning, principles of specialized training learning, interdependence of principles, systemic principles, intra-systemic principles
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Issue: 5, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 17 — 24
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