Regional research on language studies and language and culture research methods (focusing on problem statement)
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2024-3-93-102
This paper focuses on describing the approaches of linguistic nationology and linguistic culturology in the study of geography. The purpose of this study is to reveal some characteristics of linguistic nationology and linguistic culturology in the study of geography. The language country approach allows for an understanding of the linguistic features of a particular country or region, taking into account historical, sociocultural and political factors. The main tasks of national language research include studying the differences of language structure, vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation in different regions, studying dialects, national variants of languages and the characteristics of language workshops and exchanges. This approach contributes to a better understanding of the cultural identity, identity and habits of a people and their integration with the language. The linguistic and cultural approach in the study of language countries aims to study the relationship between language and culture and national mentality, which involves analyzing the expression forms of language and culture and the interaction between language and cultural values in language users’ speech and mentality. This approach allows for a better understanding of the lifestyles, values, world views, traditions and customs of different language communities. The combination of linguistic nationology and linguistic culturology enables people to have a comprehensive understanding of the language and culture of a certain region. This method is an important tool for scholars, teachers and all those interested in studying the languages and cultures of different peoples. It promotes better mutual understanding and the development of cross-cultural ability. This paper introduces the basic ways to study regional problems. This paper reviews the basic problems involved in the formation and development of linguistic regionalism as an interdisciplinary subject. It reveals the basic similarities and differences between the concepts of “linguistic geography” and “linguistic geography”. This paper expounds the significance of language nationology and language culturology to the study of regionalism. We have paid attention to the scientific language and language potential of language region research in foreign language teaching, especially Russian as a foreign language. All the conclusions are related to the further study of regional studies in the theory and practice of foreign language teaching (including Russian as a foreign language).
Keywords: language, culture, country studies, regional studies, linguodidactics, linguistic and regional approach, linguo-cultural approach
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Issue: 3, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 93 — 102
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