To the question of expressive and evaluative constructions that reflect different intentions and emotions in Russian colloquial speech and their expressions in Persian
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2024-3-28-36
This work analyzes expressive and evaluative constructions that objectify various intentions and emotions in Russian colloquial speech. People have different means and ways of expressing emotions. These differences are observed not only among representatives of different peoples, but also among representatives of the same nation. Expressive and evaluative constructions are considered as important features of Russian communicative culture. The relevance of this work lies in the need to study the ways of expressing emotion, evaluation and expressiveness of Russian colloquial speech in an Iranian audience, since, without knowing the verbal forms of emotional interaction in society, learning the Russian language can be said to be unthinkable. Emotions are an integral part of the human personality and determine the national and cultural identity and uniqueness of this personality. Russian language is studied simultaneously with the study of the emotional layer of the Russian language and the assimilation by Iranian students of the information concerning the peculiarities of the linguistic consciousness and culture of the Russian people. Iranian students who study Russian outside the language environment, learn a new linguistic culture, comprehend emotional language and, one might say, an emotional picture of the world in the learning process. The relevance of the work is also determined by the goals and objectives of teaching Russian as a foreign language in an Iranian audience and correct language knowledges in a non-linguistic environment. The purpose of this article is to identify expressive and evaluative constructions denoting different intentions and emotions in Russian speech and their expression in Persian. Contextual analysis was carried out on the basis of authentic contexts obtained from the information and reference system “National Corpus of the Russian Language”. The analysis showed that the expressive constructions of colloquial speech can express various intentions and emotions in the Russian language: astonishment, agreement, objection, assumption, refusal, regret, admiration, indignation, joy, chagrin, but due to national identity, in the Persian language these intentions and emotions have their own ways and means of expression. The theoretical and practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the results of the article can be used by students studying at the departments of Russian as a foreign language in Iranian universities as additional material in the relevant academic subjects, in university practice at different levels of teaching Russian and Persian languages, as well as by translators.
Keywords: expressiveness, appraisal, emotivity, colloquial speech, Russian language, Persian language
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Issue: 3, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 28 — 36
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