Teaching text activity in Russian language lessons: the possibilities of using texts with augmented reality
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2024-1-97-105
The article substantiates the possibility and expediency of using texts of a new nature for the development of students’ communicative competence. The inclusion of these texts in the didactic arsenal of a verbal teacher is due, on the one hand, to the tasks of forming meta-subject learning outcomes in a comprehensive school (we focused on the results related to the skills of information processing of texts), and on the other hand, to the peculiarities of the modern communicative space in which texts of a new nature occupy a significant place, making up the actual text the repertoire of schoolchildren. The material of the article contains the result of a theoretical study – a comparative analysis of scientific data on the varieties of texts presented in linguistic, speech, and cultural literature. It allowed us to build a hierarchy of texts: a linear text, a nonlinear (monocode, dicode, polycode) text, a creolized text, a media text, a hypertext, a cybertext, an intertext, an augmented reality text. In addition, the article reveals the course and results of an experiment aimed at determining the level of formation of the skills of 7th grade students to carry out information processing of texts, depending on the ways of its encoding. The results of the experiment showed that the students who worked with augmented reality texts coped best with the task (comparison was carried out with the results of the task by students who worked with linear text and dicode text). The conducted research gave grounds to assert that texts with augmented reality have great potential for teaching schoolchildren to write secondary texts-reasoning based on information processing of the primary text. This is due to several factors. Firstly, the perception and understanding of any texts is nonlinear, not instantaneous, but passes through several layers of decoding. Secondly, the digital generation deals daily with nonlinear structures in various spheres of life, which indicates the psychological and physiological readiness of modern schoolchildren to perceive nonlinear information. It is concluded that modern texts (texts of a new nature) have great potential for the formation of textual skills of students.
Keywords: augmented reality texts, information processing of a text, linear text, polycode text
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Issue: 1, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 97 — 105
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