Verbs of auditory perception in autobiographical prose (based on work of Irina Odoevtseva “On the banks of the Neva”)
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2024-1-33-40
Perceptive vocabulary holds a special place in autobiographical text, as it is through this that the author conveys their memories and impressions of the events described. The lexicon of auditory perception in autobiographical works allows for an expanded understanding of the specifics of perceptive lexical representations in literary works. The lexicon of auditory perception is examined through the proposition of perception, the basis of which consists of predicates expressed by verbs. The purpose of the article is to analyze the semantics and functioning of auditory perception vocabulary in autobiographical text. The material is presented in the form of 189 statements from Irina Odoevtseva’s work “On the Banks of the Neva,” containing verbal lexemes with the semantics of auditory perception. The primary method used is the scientific description method, implemented through techniques of contextual analysis, as well as observation, comparison, analysis, synthesis, and generalization. It has been determined that verbs of auditory perception perform various roles in the semantic organization of statements. Verbs with the semantics of active and passive auditory perception of both subjective and objective orientation have been examined. The conclusion is made that in the work “On the Banks of the Neva,” there are more verbs of active perception than passive. This is related to the specifics of the work – in this way, the author conveys their eagerness to hear and perceive as much audible information as possible (listening to poems, reports, lectures, and discussions), to transmit the atmosphere of that time period, of which they were a witness. I. V. Odoevtseva indirectly reveals the character, worldview, inner state of the characters, and the nuances of human relationships through statements with the meaning of auditory perception. Perception, as part of memory, conveys what the author and other characters of the work saw and heard in the past. Moreover, the lexicon of auditory perception deepens the understanding of the work and takes the reader back to the time remembered by the author, immersing them in the autobiographical discourse. As a result of the analysis, it has been determined that verbs with the semantics of auditory perception perform the function of recreating memories in autobiographical text.
Keywords: autobiography, verbs of auditory perception, semantic model, active and passive perception
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Issue: 1, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 33 — 40
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