National-psychological and cultural characteristics of international students as a factor influencing their academic adaptation
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2023-6-69-76
Currently, the processes of globalization affect educational systems all over the world. Teaching of international students in Russian higher education institutions ensures establishing and strengthening of international bonds, contributes to the growth of the status value of Russian education, and also acts as a factor in improving the quality and effectiveness of higher education in our country. Thus, the organization of an effective and high-quality learning process for international students is a priority task of Russian higher educational institutions in all regions of the Russian Federation. The process of teaching international students at all stages should be organized taking into account their national-psychological, cultural, ethno-social characteristics. In addition, individual national-psychological and ethno-social characteristics can influence the speed and quality of the adaptation processes of international students to the new socio-cultural and academic environment of Russian higher educational institutions. It should be noted that in its turn, the educational space of Russian higher educational institutions is an environment that influences significantly the adaptation processes of international students from far-abroad countries, which is directly related to the academic success of international students. Therefore, a properly organized educational space of Russian higher educational institutions, taking into account the national psychological, cultural, ethno-social characteristics of international students, is an important pedagogical condition for their high-quality and effective professional training. Therefore, consideration of this issue is relevant and timely, which will allow to develop further the necessary recommendations for the teaching staff of Russian higher educational institutions on the organization of the educational process for international students from far-abroad countries. The purpose of the article is to summarize and describe specific national, psychological, cultural, ethno-social characteristics of international students from far-abroad countries (Asia-Pacific region, Southeastern Asia, Africa, Latin America, Arab countries of the Middle East). Academic novelty: the article combines the main national, psychological, cultural, ethno-social characteristics of international students from far-abroad countries (Asia-Pacific region, Southeastern Asia, Africa, Latin America, Arab countries of the Middle East).
Keywords: national-cultural characteristics, national-psychological characteristics, socio-psychological profile, individual personal attributes, international students, higher education, speech communication, national communicative behavior, ethno-sociocultural features, academic adaptation
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Issue: 6, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 69 — 76
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