Dialogue of Radio Speech as the mechanism of the realization of discursive monitoring
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2023-6-39-48
Tendency to increase the role of the mass media addressee determines the importance of communication component in the structure and methods of organization of content. The paper considers ways to implement discursive monitoring in the process of telephone interaction between subjects of radio communication (leading musical entertainment and information and analytical programs and radio listeners). One of the main ways to satisfy the demand of the mass audience for the individualized presence in the media space is the formation of interpersonal discourses in the institutional discourse of the radio. This interpersonal discourses are virtual environments in which speakers (addressees) identify themselves with participants in socio-communicative practices and realize the socio-speech need for dialogue, recreational activities and self-actualization. Based on research in the field of mass media radio communication, discourse analysis and sociolinguistics, the author examines the ways of implementing discursive monitoring, which manifest themselves at the micro level (in repetitions, lexical echoes, replicas-requests, etc.). All this characterizes the moments of semantic and communicative intersections in the process of dialogue. The nature of the subject of the analyzed programs indicates the significant role of interactive dialogues with the addressee in the radio content. This suggests that for the organization of discourse, communicative mechanisms are needed to control the speech actions of the addressees who enter into a dialogue with the moderators. The specifics of the implementation of control can be traced in the realization of discursive rules and values that are unconscious by the communicants, but explicitly pointing to the effectiveness of control from the discourse. The situational-game model of interaction is characterized by attitudes towards a cooperative dialogue and parity of the positions of the communicants. Thus, the "power of discourse" manifests itself in two parallel plans for the development of the dialogic scenario. Communication from the position of the audience unfolds in the logic of mutually directed interaction, marked by lexical roll calls, repeated questions, etc. The visible dialogic effect within the boundaries of discursive regulations can be seen as the result of the efforts of the author constructing the dialogue based on the presumption of a mass audience, its interests and expectations. Ways of coordinating the communicative plans of authors and addressees (strategies, tactics) are considered in the aspect of the formation of the value-semantic space of communication, for the implementation of which the orientation towards communicative hedonism is of great importance. This is the speech activity of communicants, which has a recreational character. As a result of such game interaction, communicants enjoy actualization in the media space. The author concludes that communicative hedonism is the axiological dominant of the radio discourse, which is important for the implementation of both entertainment and information-analytical radio. Analysis of radio dialogues suggests that communicative hedonism is the basic mechanism for implementing discursive control.
Keywords: discourse of radio, interactive communication, dialogue, communicative hedonism, discursive monitoring
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Issue: 6, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 39 — 48
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