Problems of expressive syntax on the example of the speeches of D. Trump and J. Biden for Christmas 2017 and 2022
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2023-6-31-38
The article is devoted to the study of expressive syntax in political discourse on the example of two speeches by Donald Trump and Joe Biden with congratulations on Christmas in 2017 and 2022. The author aims to study the potential of expressiveness of the used syntax of politicians on the example of word combinations and parenthetical additions. This goal is achieved through the analysis of the categories of functioning of phrases and parenthetical contributions on specific examples from the relevant speeches. The conducted analysis helps to draw a conclusion about the degree of importance of the syntactic means of expressiveness in political discourse. In the course of the analysis, we first analysed the phrases with inherent expressiveness and then moved on to the phrases with adherent expressiveness and presented such categories of phrase functioning as the following examples: the category of clichéd, idiomatic and connotative. On the basis of these categories, the functioning of phrases in various stylistic figures (amplification, repetition, polysyndeton, growth, antithesis) was revealed and illustrated in the examples from two political speeches which relate to one topic (Christmas). Based on the expressiveness and the content of parenthetical contributions, the categories of reference, exemplification, deliberation and their role in the statements of politicians were singled out. It was concluded that phrases are the basis for creating an emotionally charged sentence or text. The syntactic expressiveness of speech in politics increases the manipulative effect on the listeners and, thus, it becomes easier for the speaker to realize his intentions.
Keywords: political discourse, parenthetical additions, the functioning of phrases, expressive syntax, stylistic figures, text-binding elements, concepts
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Issue: 6, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 31 — 38
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