Initiatives of future teachers in pedagogical universities
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2023-5-93-102
The article is devoted to the study of the work on the formation of student initiatives in pedagogical universities. The main contradiction that was revealed in the course of the study suggests that with a high scientific interest in initiatives in the process of both professional activity and vocational education, including pedagogical, their essence in teacher training has not yet been sufficiently studied. In addition, the forms, types, and potential of generating initiatives of future teachers in the space of a pedagogical university have not been sufficiently studied and systematized. The purpose of this study was to clarify the concept and types of pedagogical initiatives at the theoretical level, to identify and analyze the features (forms) of working with the initiatives of future teachers in pedagogical universities of Russia, to determine the degree of generation by universities of pedagogical initiatives of students. The research material was: scientific and pedagogical literature and information from the websites of 34 pedagogical universities of Russia, documents of competitive professional events. In the course of the research, such methods were used as: analysis of scientific literature; observation of the practical activities of pedagogical universities; content analysis of information from university websites as a formalized method of studying textual and graphic information of the site, followed by its translation into quantitative data and its statistical processing. The analysis of historical and scientific literature related to the initiative activity of students of pedagogical universities allowed us to identify the definition of initiative as the moral quality of a person, her ability to express advanced, creative ideas in active activity, as a measure of activity and a way to encourage new expressions. The “enlarged groups” of initiatives were identified: socio-pedagogical, professional-pedagogical, intellectual-cognitive, the meaning and forms of implementation of the selected initiatives when working with students were determined and the features were considered. As part of the study, the analysis of the presentation of various types of initiatives by pedagogical universities on the official websites of educational organizations was carried out. A site analysis map was compiled and statistical calculations of the types of pedagogical initiatives of students were made based on the collected data.
Keywords: future teachers, pedagogical university, student initiatives, professional initiatives, pedagogical initiatives
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Issue: 5, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 93 — 102
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