Elena A. Rumbeshta – educator, teacher, the first Tomsk specialist in the field of theory and methods of teaching physics
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2023-5-49-57
The article provides a description of the professional path of the Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University Rumbeshta Elena Anatolyevna. The scientific activity of the scientist-teacher in the field of theory and methods of teaching physics is covered. The activity of a talented teacher, who proved himself as a teacher-mentor in relation to students and teachers of physics, is presented. For more than forty years Rumbeshta E. A. was a leading teacher of methodological disciplines of innovative courses in teaching physics at a university and school. She worked as a physics teacher, supervised pedagogical research at schools and universities in Tomsk. She connected students to research activities, the result of which was practice-oriented term papers, theses and scientific articles on the methodology of teaching physics. Rumbeshta E. A. the educational and methodological complex of the main discipline “Methods of teaching physics” was updated: a system of methodological training of students in studying a school physical experiment was developed, lectures with general and particular questions were published, many scientific and educational works were published based on the results of the work of a teacher-researcher. The active position of Elena Anatolyevna regarding the improvement of the training of teachers and highly qualified personnel is reflected, her initiatives that have been developed in the educational environment of Tomsk are given. Active activity in the scientific and educational center of pedagogical research in physics and mathematics education is revealed, scientific cooperation with colleagues from Russian and foreign universities is described. The results of the activities of Elena Anatolyevna as a scientist and organizer at the Center of the DFMiENO in the preparation of teacher-researchers in the framework of work with problem-creative groups of teachers are presented; organization and holding of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference “Teaching natural sciences, mathematics and informatics at the university and school.”
Keywords: physics teacher training, theory and methods of teaching physics, problem-activity approach, physics experiment
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Issue: 5, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 49 — 57
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