The path to comprehension of the text as a comprehension of life
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2023-3-112-119
The theory of the semantic deployment of the text in opposition addresser – addressee is relevant in modern linguistics, anthropocentric in its ontological essence. In the 21st century many scientists are studying the problem of text perception by the reader from different angles, based on linguistic argumentative resources and with the help of related sciences: cognitive science, philosophy, sociology, psychology, etc. The goal is to show how the semantic deployment of the text of memories by readers occurs, based on the works of philosophers exploring the relationship between the concepts of cognition, consciousness, language, the achievements of cognitive linguistics and the communicative style of the text. The material are responses to the memory book by O.B. Sirotinina “Life despite everything, or I am a happy person”. The basis of the study were the analysis, comparison and generalization of scientific literature on the theory and history of the issue, the use of comparative, contextual, semantic-stylistic, and discourse analysis. The semantic and stylistic analysis of responses to the memories with the involvement of knowledge of the components of the addressee image made it possible to conclude that the authors of the responses reflected the general meaning (hyperconcept of the primary text) in their texts. The moral principles of humanism, courage, justice, tolerance, etc. reflected in the book of memoirs resonated with all of its readers. However, if for her fellow scientists Olga Borisovna is the unconditional bearer of these norms, for young people the emphasis has shifted towards the imperative modality: a book of memoirs for them is a motivator of life. The high level of speech production ability demonstrated in the responses, the formed cognitive base, the value orientations of scientists led to the conclusion that the older generation is free from restrictions in the ability to express the state of consciousness. They have communicative and life experience comparable with the author’s, they are not bound by the conventions of the social environment of communication. For young people, the level of awareness is not always available for analysis due to interference in speech production, this awareness reflects not yet rich life experience, etc. The text, according to philosophers, “is a certain duration of content, focused on a certain state of consciousness”. Other paradigms of “obtaining” knowledge can offer other interpretations of the states of consciousness, reflected in the primary text and perceived in the secondary one. Only the life-affirming moral principles of interpersonal relationships, which are mentioned in the memoirs book and which the authors of the responses comprehended, will remain unshakable. Only they, these norms, are a guarantee of the existence of life on Earth.
Keywords: book of memoirs, responses making up the image of the addressee, points of semantic deployment of the text, hyperconcept
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Issue: 3, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 112 — 119
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