Linguistic representation of heterostereotypes in Japanese pedagogical discourse (based on the Japanese language textbooks for foreigners)
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2023-3-40-47
In the 20th century, the phenomenon of stereotype started to attract wide scientific attention in the field of humanities, due to the occurred awareness of the influence of socio-cultural context on an individual. Nowadays we can see a growing interest in the research of stereotyping in pedagogical discourse, because while being seemingly unbiased, pedagogical discourse is subject to ideological influence and involves perception of information that inevitably transmits ethnic and cultural stereotypes and prejudices. That fact forms the necessity of detecting and researching the ideological content in written foreign language learning materials. The aim is to describe various ways in which heterostereotypes are verbalized in Japanese language textbooks for foreigners. The research is based on Japanese language textbooks for foreigners of elementary and intermediate level of proficiency. The major methods used are qualitative-quantitative, contextual and discourse analysis as well as some elements of linguocultural analysis. In the content of the analyzed textbooks we see the elements of stereotypical image of a foreigner represented by various linguistic means. On the vocabulary level, there are multiple positive characteristics of appearance, personality traits and Japanese language skills of the foreign characters residing in Japan. At the same time, grammatical structures, the existence of presupposition in some sentences, and the thematic selection of narratives often emphasize the insufficient level of integration of the foreign characters into Japanese society through the presumption of their temporary status in Japan. In addition, foreigners, especially Western culture bearers, are often shown making communicative mistakes, violating Japanese etiquette rules and causing trouble for Japanese characters. The analysis demonstrates main stereotypical features of the image of a foreigner in Japanese textbooks and the ways of their linguistic representation. Established patterns reveal the contradiction between the intentional transmission of the message of Japan’s openness towards foreigners and the perception of a foreigner as a member of the “out-group” that is deeply rooted in Japanese culture.
Keywords: stereotype, heterostereotype, linguoculturology, Japanese language, pedagogical discourse, Japanese language textbooks
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Issue: 3, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 40 — 47
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