Activity games in professional training – the resource of formation of educational independence of future teachers
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2023-2-86-94
The purpose of the article is the analysis of the significance of activity games for the development of educational independence of future teachers. The educational independence – the action allowing future teacher to open, and to appropriate further sense and content of professional activity, to seize ways of her implementation and improvement. Modern practice of preparation in higher education institution realizes often reproductive ways of training where future teacher learns to restore the accumulated experience of the organization of pedagogical activity. At the same time, he doesn’t seize ways of creation of point of the professional education. The purpose is to prove use of activity games in formation of educational independence as the special resource of vocational training promoting manifestation at future teachers of an initiative among future teachers in mastering the basics of pedagogical activity, assigning skills to organize their own educational activity, and mastering ways to improve it. The study material was a survey and survey of teachers and students of the Altai State Pedagogical University, which made it possible to identify problematic aspects in the formation of educational independence among future teachers due to the use of reproductive learning technologies. The data obtained gave the basis for the development and testing of activity games in pedagogical and methodological training, contributing to the discovery and assignment of educational independence as a way to improve professional activity. The analysis of the practice of forming educational independence among future teachers made it possible to establish that this action is presented mainly at the reproductive level, while all its components (motivational, cognitive, activity) are in a disconnected state. It was also found that the reason for the poor quality of educational independence is the lack of involvement of students in the process of their own education, which is expressed in the lack of initiative, motive and methods in mastering pedagogical activities, due to the use of reproductive technologies. Options for activity games used in pedagogical and methodological training are presented, as a result of which students master educational independence. Turning to activity games in the learning process allows you to involve students in building not only the meaning of your own education, your future profession, but also assigning ways to implement it, namely: educational independence.
Keywords: educational independence, activity games, professional training, future teacher
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Issue: 2, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 86 — 94
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