Experience of implementation of the program for prevention of deviant behavior of adolescents
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2023-2-52-59
The analysis of statistical data and the need for timely prophylactic addictive behavior among adolescents was carried out. The research material was the developed and implemented program for the prevention of alcoholism among adolescents «Keep a healthy lifestyle». As well as the analysis of literature in the field of prevention of deviant behavior, the system of interdepartmental interaction, including psychology and family psychotherapy. During puberty, the teenager’s life self-determination takes place, plans for the future are formed. He changes himself, tries to understand himself and his capabilities. Requirements and expectations of other people change. He is forced to adapt, to adapt to new conditions and situations constantly, but this does not always happen successfully. Due to the difficulties experienced by a teenager in this age period, the teenager is vulnerable to alcohol seduction. Consequently, the alcoholism prevention program is extremely important for this age stage. For this purpose, our program for the prevention of alcoholism among adolescents was developed and tested, which consists of 4 modules with a certain complex focus of activity. Where each module fulfills its irreplaceable function in the development of a healthy, law-abiding and responsible citizen. The program developed by us had a real impact on the minds of adolescents and helped to form the motivation to stop drinking alcohol. Since we used a complex nature, which meant not only the prevention of adolescents themselves, but also the involvement of their parents in this process for interaction, which made it possible to expand knowledge in the field of alcohol abuse. To implement our program for the prevention of alcoholism among adolescents, we have developed and presented certain requirements that had to be met by specialists carrying out preventive activities. This made it possible to avoid pedagogical mistakes on the part of specialists and to provide real help to adolescents who need prevention of alcohol dependence.
Keywords: deviant behavior, alcoholism, social and pedagogical program, prevention, commission on minors’ affairs and protection of their rights, alcohol-containing products, alcohol, teenager, interagency interaction, assistance
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Issue: 2, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 52 — 59
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