Pedagogical potential of patriotic forms of education of students (based on the material of cultural and historical memory of the feat of D. M. Karbyshev)
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2023-2-43-51
A relevant social ideal in the modern era in the context of national cultural and historical memory is the legendary personality of D. M. Karbyshev. His most important qualities, which influenced not only his life and activities, were: a high desire to serve the Motherland, a focus on victory, integrity and uncompromising, aggravated – a sense of truth and justice, courage and bravery. In this regard, the social ideal of the personality of D. M. Karbyshev is considered in the context of domestic cultural historical memory. The goal is to analyze the pedagogical potential of forms of patriotic education of student youth on the basis of means of memorializing cultural and historical memory. The research material was open Internet sources, as well as materials of a sociological survey conducted in April 2022 among students of the Omsk Pedagogical University on the basis of a random sample. The study used methods of comparative and systemic analysis, as well as methods for developing design technologies. The theoretical significance of the results of the study consists in the systematization of the forms and methods of patriotic education of student youth by means of memorialization of historical memory. Lacunae were discovered in the youth’s knowledge of means of perpetuating the memory of D. M. Karbyshev, which was the basis for the development of innovative forms and means of patriotic education. The methods of sociological survey, systematic and comparative analysis show the reflection of the means of memorialization of the feat of D. M. Karbyshev in the forms and means of patriotic education. The practical significance of the study is as follows. The social ideal of the personality of D. M. Karbyshev in the context of domestic cultural historical memory. Forms of patriotic education are distributed in project technologies by age groups of children and youth and certain loci – places of patriotic actions. Using the method of sociological survey, traditional and innovative forms of patriotic education proposed by students were identified. A set of forms of patriotic education is distributed in project technologies by age groups of children and youth and certain loci – places of patriotic actions. The structure of the developed technologies includes means of patriotic education. Along with immersion in the atmosphere of patriotism, military romance and conviction in the greatness of the feat, his visual museum and excursion display is carried out, built on the inclusion of various objects of cultural and historical memory in the route of excursions. To work with young people, seven main active forms of patriotic education in the context of project technologies have been developed. It is determined that for student and working youth, along with common excursion routes, there are seven other loci: special cultural institutions for youth, as well as citywide libraries, museums, the Cinema House, the space of the Immortal Regiment. As a result of the development of technologies, the pedagogical potential of these patriotic actions was revealed: their continuity, taking into account the lessons of history, and the sacred essence of military-patriotic exploits in the name of life, visibility, spectacular effect, dispersion among audiences, brightness, significance of cultural and historical memory, emotional saturation of impact.
Keywords: pedagogical potential, patriotic actions, design method, forms and means of patriotic education, student youth, cultural and historical memory of the feat of D. M. Karbyshev
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Issue: 2, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 43 — 51
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