DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-6-97-107
Introduction. The article attempts to determine the specifics of the “Assembly Instructions” genre, which combines engineering and didactic components. Its purpose is to regulate the work of engineering teachers in the classroom with students of different ages. Previously, the texts of this genre were not the subject of scientific research, despite the fact that the instruction as a genre is described within the framework of IT-discourse, pedagogical discourse, teaching, engineering. However, for the first time, assembly instructions are the subject of research in engineering and didactic discourse. Material and methods. The selection of texts of the “Assembly instructions” genre was carried out on the basis of methodological materials of the international school of engineering and robotics “School of Digital Technologies” in the amount of 25 documents describing the process of assembling structures within the framework of the engineering robotics program for students of different ages (the average volume of each document is 15 pages, about 375 pages of text in total). As the main methodological model, the model of the speech genre of T. V. Shmeleva. Analysis methods: textological, quantitative, comparative analysis to identify signs of genre hybridization. Results and discussion. The paper describes the genre of “Assembly Instructions” according to seven genre-forming features: describes the means of expressing an informational and imperative communicative goal through the nomination of documents, headings, a list of necessary materials for assembling the structure and the main text; the means of describing the implicit image of the author are highlighted, such as the use of professional vocabulary and the translation of the position of “seniority”; the language markers of the direct and indirect addressee are listed, including direct nominations and deminatives; ways of describing the dictum in the algorithm for assembling structures are given; formulated approaches to creating an image of the past and future through imperative constructions and modal predicates; the means of organizing the composition of texts and the influence of compositional instability on the volume of elements from didactic and engineering discourse are described; specific forms of linguistic embodiment, including discursive formulas, are highlighted. Separately, for each feature, the means of linguistic expression of genre hybridity are described. Conclusion. The main and specific features of the “Assembly Instructions” genre of engineering and didactic discourse are shown, such as the author’s soft imperative position, the use of words in the category of state and verbs in the 1st person plural in the sense of compatibility, and a number of others.
Keywords: genre, assembly instructions, engineering discourse, didactic discourse, hybridity
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Issue: 6, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 97 — 107
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