DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-6-80-87
Introduction. Teaching Russian in secondary school, speech development and the formation of spelling and punctuation skills is an important task that involves a number of difficulties. Effective study of the Russian language in a secondary school is often hindered by factors such as poor perseverance, lack of interest in the subject, bilingualism, and more. Russian Russian spelling rules algorithmized representation method is considered in this paper, which allows to improve the quality of teaching Russian to middle and senior school students. The purpose is to substantiate the effectiveness of the algorithm method in teaching the Russian language to children of secondary schools, to consider approximate models of training algorithms. Material and methods. Theoretical methods (modeling, analysis, synthesis) were used in the work; empirical methods (observation, comparison, experiment). Results and discussion. Simple memorizing of the rules does not always lead to increased literacy of students. The algorithm method provides for the joint compilation of algorithmic schemes of various types with students, which illustrate the rule being studied, allow you to work out the mechanism of reasoning step by step when performing spelling and punctuation tasks. This approach contributes to the achievement of a high quality of knowledge through the systematic development of practical skills with the help of schemes adapted to the needs of each child. The training algorithm can have different types: from a clearly formulated scheme (similar to a mathematical example) up to a colorful illustration that will be understandable to children with creative abilities. Conclusion. The algorithm method can be applied to study almost any rule of Russian spelling and punctuation. In the scheme created jointly with the students, there should be a place for exceptions and for examples that the child will enter independently. When creating a training scheme, the student is an active co-author. A circuit is never a closed system. It is being refined and improved in the process of practical activity of students. For children from the same class, the schemes can be completely different, as they have been improved and finalized independently.
Keywords: methodology, algorithm, teaching, Russian language, interactivity, secondary school
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Issue: 6, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 80 — 87
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