DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-6-72-79
Introduction. The abstract to the academic paper is a required section for the publication of research results. Abstract is a secondary speech genre, the creation of which most often makes it difficult for foreign students studying Russian. The purpose of this article is the analysis and development of criteria for evaluating the work of foreign students to create an abstract to a research paper. Materials and methods. The material for the developing of theoretical positions was scientific papers on the main directions of this study. Empirical research material – 20 written abstracts of foreign students-philologists (level B2) to research paper, which named “Semantics of the lexeme “temple” in language and text (based on the material of Russian orthodox sermons)”. In the course of the research, methods of analysis (the analysis of scientific papers on the topic of this research, the analysis of written works of students) and synthesis are used. Results and discussion. Abstract writing is considered as a process of generating scientific written discourse, the effectiveness of which is influenced by cognitive and pragmatic factors. The cognitive factor means strategic (the skill to determine the communicative purpose, plan communicative tasks when achieving the goal of communication) and tactical (the skill to select appropriate language tools for the implementation of communicative tasks) discourse plans. The pragmatic factor of discourse includes the sphere of communication, the specifics of the situation and the characteristics of the addressee of communication. These important factors should be taken into account in the evaluation of abstract. Within the framework of the cognitive approach, based on the developed methods for the skills formation, divided into three blocks (discourse, speech, language competences) and taking into account the specifics of written scientific discourse, a method for calculating the success of writing an abstract to a research paper was created. Conclusion. This method of assessing the level of formation of the relevant skills is the most productive, since within the methodological categories of competence and skills of speech activity, it is advisable to combine the canon, and the specifics of the genre (genre aspect), the structure, and content of the text (speech-producing aspect), and scientific style (stylistic aspect).
Keywords: teaching, scientific written discourse, secondary genre, abstract, evaluation criteria, Russian as a foreign language
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Issue: 6, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 72 — 79
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