DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-6-26-33
Introduction. There exists a tendency for distinguishing objective and subjective matters in the Russian sentence meaning contents aspectual zone. The latter area includes interpretive meanings, such as visibility, surprise, distance between interlocutors, social and other types of status differences between interlocutors, elimination of responsibility for action, etc., identified in recent years by Russian and foreign aspectologists. However, in this perspective, the high-speed interpretation of the action displayed in the statement has not yet been investigated. The article is devoted to the interpretive function of the verb aspect in its new speech manifestations, not included in the pragmatic potential of the verb aspect – retardation and acceleration of the depicted action. Retardation is understood as an artificial slowdown in the image of the development of an action and is based on the concept of an action phase. The acceleration of the action is understood as the inducement of the interlocutor to the accelerated start of the commission of the named action or the early signaling of the end of the action that has not actually completed. The Slavic languages as such differ to a large extent from the languages of other groups in the subtle elaboration of the phases of the implementation of the action. Specifically, the Russian language has a variety of linguistic means of designating phaseness, both morphological and syntactic. The aspect of the verb is also involved in this semantic sphere, and the change of aspect tense forms can lead to individual modeling of the situation and certain types of influence of the speaker on the interlocutor, which are considered in this work. Material and methods. The work is based on real colloquial dialogues of so-called replying type including the above-mentioned phenomenae as having the most solid internal semantic and compositional links. The data was analysed semantically and syntactically with using some modeling principles. The main goal is revealing and representing the psycholinguistic conditions for appearing and forming the above mentioned senses as well the frame for their use in modern discourse. Results and discussion. Analysis of structure and varying internal links of real colloquial dialogues allowed to reveal the main list of typical situations for expressing the senses of Action Retardation and Acceleration taking semantic preposition and postposition into consideration. Thus, their inclusion into Verbal Imperfective Pragmaticon has been substantiated. The analysed meanings’ forming the binary opposition makes the sideline result. Conclusion. The research resulted in widening the Imperfective verb’s pragmatic sphere boundaries.
Keywords: verbal aspect interpreting function, action retardation, action acceleration, colloquial dialogue
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Issue: 6, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 26 — 33
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