DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-5-148-156
Introduction. One of the goals of youth policy in the Russian Federation is the formation of a system of moral and semantic guidelines that can allow us to resist the ideology of extremism, nationalism, manifestations of xenophobia, discrimination and other negative social phenomena. Under the FSES university graduates are required to be able to navigate the socio-political environment, to have their own worldview, ideals and humanistic values, to have the ability to self-develop. Therefore, the active phase of youth education should be continued today beyond school education – in higher education. This requires the reanimation of the educational potential of universities. The main task of educating students at the university falls on the shoulders of curators of academic groups and tutors. The aim of the article is to compare the educational roles of curators and tutors in higher education. Material and methods. The material of the study was dissertations and articles in pedagogical periodicals devoted to the study of the activities of curators and tutors of universities, as well as the results of the practical organization of the work of a team of curators in a technical university. The study used the method of contextual analysis of publications and the setting of a pedagogical experiment to identify the effectiveness of the educational work of curators of student groups. Results and discussion. This article compares the educational roles of curators and tutors in higher education. It is noted that unlike tutors, the professionogram of curators of academic groups is not legally defined, their official duties are regulated by local acts established by universities independently. Comparing the functional responsibilities of tutors and curators shows the commonality of their educational roles, both categories are mentors of young people, implementing informal transfer of knowledge and social experience, providing assistance in personal and professional development. It is determined that the curator of the academic group is an employee of the educational organization from the teaching staff, who provides tutor support and academic guidance to the student group, organizes the educational and extracurricular activities of students with the aim of adaptation, harmonious development, personal and professional development of each student. It is concluded that the full implementation of the activities of academic groups’ curators requires the creation of an appropriate system of organizational and methodological support for this activity, including psychological and pedagogical training of academic groups’ curators. Conclusion. It is concluded that for the full implementation of the activities of curators of academic groups at a technical university, it is necessary to create an appropriate system of organizational and methodological support for this activity, including the psychological and pedagogical training of curators.
Keywords: education, higher school, institute of curators, tutors, tutor support
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Issue: 5, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 148 — 156
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