DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-5-76-84
Introduction. Self-education is for an adult a skill necessary for a full-fledged life in conditions of constant uncertainty. This type of activity is inextricably linked with the subject position, the author’s attitude to his education and life in general. The stage-by-stage formation of subjectness includes the school and university period, the further construction of an individual educational path depends on the formed readiness for self-education, the availability of relevant experience. Support in the development of self-education skills can be obtained in formal education, in non-formal education communities, as well as in educational informational resources. These practices of these types of continuing education constitute the space of adult education that implements the variability of support. The aim of the research is to analyze the resources available in the space of adult education to support the development of self-education skills, as well as deficits in this area. Material and methods. The material was the theoretical sources and practices of teaching self-education and the development of the ability of self-education, interviews with part-time adjuncts of St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Results and discussion. The topic of teaching self-educational activity has been sufficiently studied. In the Soviet period, the methods and techniques of appropriate teaching during the school period were described. Currently, secondary education solves the problem by engaging children in research activities, so it leads to the progress of personalized education development. However, progress on this issue remains unsatisfactory. The preparation of teachers for self-educational activity is problematized, because without such skills, it is impossible to organize the development of students. In organizations of higher education, the revealed underdevelopment of self-educational activity can be compensated by appropriate programs of psychological and pedagogical support. Teachers need special pedagogical skills. In the field of non-formal education, an adult has the opportunity to develop the ability of self-education by joining self-organizing communities when the need arises to renew knowledge. However, the intensity of his life activity often prevents this. The resource of informal education (educational content) is not quite relevant. Live offline interaction with a mentor, consultant, a strategy for quick support of the resumption of educational activities are in demand. The aspect of psychological support is important. Conclusion. The problem of developing the ability to self-educate adults is seen as being solved by implementing the trinity of formal, non-formal and informal types of lifelong education as a structure that reveals options for eliminating the deficit of knowledge and skills: from practice-oriented modules in educational programs of formal education, mutual learning in self-organizing communities of non-formal education before navigating informal sources.
Keywords: lifelong education, adult education space, self-educational activity, psychological and pedagogical support of self-education
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Issue: 5, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 76 — 84
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