DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-5-28-37
Introduction. Didactics, as an integral part of the theory of education, studies the laws of the educational process, principles and means of teaching. Digital technologies of the fourth industrial revolution were the driver of the development of digital didactics of vocational education and training. The formation of a digital educational environment, including the development of the information and communication structure of a modern educational institution, provides all participants in educational relations (teachers, students) with a set of digital technologies that can be used by them to achieve educational goals, self-realization, professional adaptation and socialization. Therefore, the issues of effective use of the possibilities of digital technologies and means of digital didactics to achieve the set educational goals determine, in general, the effectiveness of pedagogical interaction and the educational process. Aim and objectives. Purpose of the study is to describe and explain the process of vocational education and training using digital didactic tools. Material and methods. The following theoretical research methods were used: study and analysis of normative-pedagogical, scientific-methodical literature and Internet resources on the research problem; study of technical documentation for software for digital educational technologies, a comparative analysis of the capabilities of digital didactics tools in comparison with the information and communication structure of an educational institution; study and generalization of Russian and foreign experience in the use of digital didactics tools in professional education. The empirical aspect of the research is presented in the form of reflection on the pedagogical activity of the author of the article. Results and discussion. The prerequisites for the formation of a digital educational environment, the need for mutual adaptation of digital and pedagogical technologies, research into the possibilities of using the potential of digital technologies to achieve the set educational goals are revealed. The main groups of means of digital didactics are highlighted – personalized educational process, digital pedagogical technologies, metadigital educational complexes, their substantive characteristics are given. The article reveals the features of the main digital technologies of artificial intelligence and the Internet of things, virtual and augmented reality V / R and A / R technologies, blockchain technologies in the context of their adaptation and use in the educational process in order to increase the visibility and effectiveness of education. The perspective directions of pedagogical didactics are considered, studied and characterized, ensuring the disclosure of the individual potential of students and the collective potential of the pedagogical community using digital technologies. Conclusion. Based on the research carried out and the main results obtained, the problems of the use of digital didactics tools in vocational education and training were identified, which hinder their effective implementation by teachers in the educational process; the complex tasks of building digital didactics of vocational education have been identified.
Keywords: digital technologies, digital didactics, professional education and training, digital pedagogical technologies, means of digital didactics
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Issue: 5, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 28 — 37
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