DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-4-62-72
Introduction. Modern study of terminologies and term systems are carried out in the aspect of cognitive terminology. Research devoted to the study of the term semantics in the context of cognitive terminology is gaining popularity. The aim of the work is to create frame models of the term semantics of the subject area “Construction Technologies”, to identify the main cognitive categories and subcategories represented by these models and characteristic of construction terminology, as well as the means of their expression. Material and methods. The material for the study is the terms of the sphere of construction technologies, selected from the terminological dictionaries on construction, regulatory documents, educational and scientific literature, as well as catalogues of construction products and professional websites for construction engineers. The research methodology is based on the method of linguistic modeling, frame analysis was used to study the term semantics. The techniques of definitional and component analysis are also used. Results and discussion. The frame modeling of the term semantics of the professional field “Construction technologies” was performed on the basis of the word-formation structure of the derived term. As a result of the analysis of frame models, correlated with the word-forming types, the following cognitive categories in the terminology of the sphere of construction technologies are defined: “process”, “attribute”, “ability / characteristic”, “action”, “object”. The article provides a detailed analysis of the semantics of Russian terms that actualize the cognitive categories “process” and “feature”. Frame models of term semantics are proposed; the frame consists of slots, which are components of the meaning of the term and are represented by various morphemes. The categorical slot is of particular importance as it correlates with the part-of-speech belonging of the term. The following subcategories specify the semantics of the identified cognitive categories: “technology of manufacturing / application of building materials”, “stage of the technological process”, “special construction works / results of these works”, “construction defect”, etc. These subcategories are defined by the specifics of the terminology of the field of construction technologies. Conclusion. As a result of frame modeling the semantics of the terms of the sphere “Construction technologies” and the analysis of the cognitive categories “process” and “attribute”, within each of them, subcategories specific to construction terminology were identified. It was revealed that the most productive way of word formation in the analyzed terminology is suffixation and prefixation. The proposed frame models of terms reflect fragments of scientific knowledge verbalized by special nominations, and frame analysis is an effective method for studying the ways of categorizing scientific information.
Keywords: construction terminology, cognitive terminology, frame, semantics
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Issue: 4, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 62 — 72
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