DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-4-51-61
Introduction. Special tools for assessing the quality of written translation – QA-tools (in English Quality Assessment) find common types of errors in the target text according to pre-programmed formal signs. The initial condition for these tools is the availability of the source and target texts. The program compares the corresponding sections of texts (paragraphs, sentences or segments) and marks all sections with suspected errors, forming a special report. The goal is to compare QA modules integrated into automated translation programs and independent QA tools. Material and methods. Methods used in the research on QA modules integrated into automated translation programs and independent QA tools include general scientific methods (logic methods: analysis, synthesis, generalization); specific scientific (linguistic) methods: descriptive, comparative. Results and discussion. The advantage of QA modules integrated into the automated translation programs such as SDL Trados, SmartCAT, Déjà Vu, MemoQ and Wordfast is the ability to monitor the quality of translation without using additional software and time resources. The translator is already familiar with the interface of the program in which he works, and can edit the text in it immediately after checking. QA modules integrated into automated translation programs can be used to assess written translations of different themes, however, the functions of the SDL Trados program are the most optimal for working with stylistically colored texts. The main advantage of independent QA tools for assessing the quality of translations such as Xbench, QA Distiller, Verifika, ErrorSpy and Linguistic Toolbox is the absence of the need to install complex and resource-consuming CAT programs for proofreaders, editors and managers of translation projects. Conclusion. QA tools have their advantages and disadvantages. The main advantages of modern QA-tools are: optimization of routine quality checks of the target text at different stages of its readiness; the ability to customize individual quality criteria for each project; reduction of the total duration of the translation project; ensuring uniformity of the target text, minimizing errors, etc. The disadvantages of QA tools are: the need to spend additional resources (additional time and hard disk space in case of installation on a user’s computer); the high cost of programs and a limited set of functions in case of using free or demo versions; the need to study the interface and configure the program for different projects; detection of a large number of potential errors, not all of which are real errors.
Keywords: translation, quality assessment, specialized quality assessment tools
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Issue: 4, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 51 — 61
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