DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-4-26-33
Itroduction. The correct usage of grammatical government in Russian sometimes encounters difficulties, on the other hand, due to the structural differences in grammatical ways of expressing government in both Russian and Persian languages and moreover, the absence of a case category in Persian, the topic of the article acquires special relevance for teaching Russian and Persian languages. The topic of government in the Russian language has been researched a lot and many books and articles have been written on this topic, but in the Persian language. Linguists did not pay much attention to this topic, only at the level of dissertations and articles, not a large number of works have been written by linguists with knowledge of the Russian language. The aim of the study is to analyze the errors associated with the use of government in Russian and compare them with the Persian language. Material and methods. In this article, using the method of comparative linguistics, common mistakes are considered when using government in Russian language, after which the results are additionally analyzed and compared with the Persian language, and as a result, the similarities and differences in grammatical ways of expressing government between the Russian and Persian languages will be revealed. The material of this article is grammar guides in both languages and specialized books and articles on the topic of government, especially in Russian. The objectives of this study are to increase the understanding of government among students in two languages, familiarize themselves with the mistakes in connection with the use of government in Russian and their comparison with the Persian language. Results and discussion. The results of the article can be helpful for students of both named languages, who, firstly, due to the lack of research on this topic, especially on government in Persian, cannot compare the ways of expressing government in a foreign language with their native language and, as a result, suffer from an incomplete concept of this topic and secondly, due to the lack of familiarization with common mistakes when using government, they are often mistaken in their application. Conclusions are drawn about different theories on the definition of the term “government” as a grammatical term in the field of linguistics. Not all linguists in Russian accept all existing generally accepted definitions of government. Researchers of the Persian language also pay attention to government in the Persian language, although some, such as L. S. Peisikov, completely deny the existence of government, but this study confirms that the grammatical meaning of government cannot be abandoned.
Keywords: language, Russian, Persian, grammar, government
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Issue: 4, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 26 — 33
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