DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-3-7-14
Introduction. Language units reflecting cultural, historical, literary representations of the linguocultural community, which have sufficient reproducibility and stability of the component composition, are treated as precedent phenomena. The given article is devoted to the research of the Russian-speaking linguoculture precedent phenomena in foreign language and cultural environment on the example of Chinese network diaspora discourse. The aim of the work is to investigate precedent phenomena in the collective consciousness of users of the Internet community “Baiki Laovaya”. Material and methods. The research was based on the correspondence of the participants (more than 57000 subscribers) of the open group “Laowai Bikes” of the social network Vkontakte. We analyzed 110 messages (posts) and 11350 comments to them that were published in the period from 1 to 27 September 2021. The material was selected by random sampling from the text continuum, then precedent phenomena were classified according to the type, their semantics and relevance were analyzed. The quantitative method and the method of contextual analysis were also used. Results and discussion. The sources of precedent phenomena in the speech of the diaspora community are diverse and are subdivided into the following large groups: 1) classical Russian and Soviet, as well as foreign literature; 2) winged expressions, sayings of famous people, precedent names; 3) speech clichés, paremics, Internet memes, and anecdotes; 4) advertising, cinema and television. Numerous examples of the use of precedent phenomena from each of the groups demonstrate not only the impressive variety of sources, but also the high communicative and linguocreative potential of precedence in the discourse under study. Conclusion. The active use of precedent phenomena in communication and the absence of facts of misunderstanding, failure of communication, the development of the semantic potential of precedent phenomena in network polylogues indicate the formed special cultural space of diaspora discourse, the participants of which have a common linguocultural code. The specificity of this code is determined by: 1) being in a single foreign-language and foreign-cultural continuum and its interpretation as one of the frequent occasions to use precedents (Chinese holidays, traditions, climate, political situation, domestic conditions, etc.); 2) relatively high level of education and broad outlook of diaspora community members, demonstrating knowledge in the field of domestic and world literature, art, history, mass culture, etc. 3) appeal mainly to the traditional, established during the Soviet era cultural matrix as a common cognitive and imaginative base, able to unite representatives of different generations, including – the young, of the Russian-speaking world from different countries of the former Soviet Union.
Keywords: diasporal discourse, Internet communication, Russian-speaking linguoculture, precedent phenomena
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Issue: 3, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 7 — 14
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