DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-1-84-92
Introduction. About 80 % of idioms in any national language has semantics related with a person. Comparison of the cultural and conceptual content of these linguistic units allows us to study the image and verbal representation of man in different Slavic languages. Aim and objectives. Identify the universal and variant characteristics of man that exist in the designated Slavic linguocultures. Material and methods. The material is phraseological units of the thematic group “human” with the nuclear seme “evaluation” collected from lexicographic sources (50 units from each language). The method of research is crosscultural analysis. Results and discussion. Phraseological units with a negative assessment of a person quantitatively dominate in all the analyzed linguocultures. There is an invariant semantic core in the representation of human qualities. The consequence of this is a large number of equivalent and partially equivalent units. The speakers of the linguocultures examined condemn such qualities as stupidity, ignorance, impudence, rudeness, mendacity, laziness, avarice, and the like. Experience, wealth and worldly wisdom, success, good looks, and a healthy appearance are positively assessed. Neutral evaluative connotation distinguishes phraseological units that express the presence of features of similarity / difference between people, the relationship between them. In cases of general cultural interpretation, we are talking about semantic-stylistic and/or formal-structural full or partial equivalents. Full equivalents are units with identical structural, semantic (including figurative) and stylistic characteristics. Partial equivalents, while maintaining the integrity of semantics, may have some differences in meaning, stylistic sound or in the component composition/structure of phraseological units. The variants of evaluative interpretation of a person in different linguistic cultures are determined by both linguistic and extralinguistic factors. In this case, the phraseological units are not equivalent. Conclusion. Thus, the universal characteristics of human beings prevail in the phraseological world picture of Slavic languages. Variant meanings are characterized by cultural and historical conditionality
Keywords: phraseological unit, cultural linguistics, world picture, thematic group, human
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Issue: 1, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 84 — 92
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