DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-1-114-122
Introduction. Relevance of the research is determined by the interest of modern translation science in search of effective ways of songs rendition, as animation films are getting the significant role as participants of modern crosscultural communication. Aim and objectives. The present paper attempts to discuss main functional, linguistic and structural aspects of song lyrics and analyze methods of their translation, as well as study applicability of these methods to song rendition in animation films. Materials and methods. The research is based on theoretical materials on audiovisual- and song translation, the exemplary texts taken from animation film “Mulan” (Walt Disney, 1998). Results and discussion Belonging to belles-lettres functional style, songs share with poetic texts their lexicosemantic and syntactic features, as well as rythmic and structural organization, which adds to their esthetic value. The specificity of songs in animation films is determined by their dependence on the plot and characters, both the form and the semantics of lyrics being equally important for their full-size foreign understanding. Subtitling and dubbing are the two methods of audiovisual translation, which fit the requirements of song rendition, with the latter as more preferable. Analyzing methods of modern song rendition and their applicability to the translation of songs in animation films, while having in mind certain limitations of both song- and audiovisual translation, we found out that the optimal option probably would be text adaptation, allowing to preserve the semantics and the melody as the two inseparable sides of the song unity. Conclusion. Lexico-semantic, syntactic, stylistic and structural peculiarities of song texts determine the features of their translation. From the whole list of translation options, the gentler one would be adaptation of the text to the original melody.
Keywords: animation films, song lyrics, song lyrics translation, audiovisual translation, poetic text
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Issue: 1, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 114 — 122
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