DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-1-76-83
Introduction. The axiology of popular science discourse is determined by the reflexive-value aspect of scientificcognitive activity, the presentation of information to the addressee through the prism of a certain assessment, the special value status of the addressee in information and educational communication, as well as the value potential f the extralinguistic content of information as a subject of communication. The purpose the article is the description of the axiological space of the video blog “Nauchpok” (on the example of videos of the thematic group “health”) and the linguistic means of its construction. Material and methods. As a material, 50 videos related to health topics were selected, presented on the popular science channel “Nauchpok” video hosting YouTube. The choice of material is substantiated by the role of video blogging in the dissemination of information and the formation of value attitudes; popularity of the Nauchpok channel; the universal nature of the value of health, fashion and aestheticization of the topic of health. The work uses the methods of axiological linguistics, which are supplemented with elements of functional and pragmatic linguistic analysis. Results and discussion. The main structure-forming value in the Nauchpok video blog is information, there is a tendency to observe such axiological parameters of scientific information as objectivity, validity, evidence, reliability. In the videos, the authors destroy myths that are stable in society. The narrative includes a large number of experimentally proven facts, historical excursions and references, scholarly quotes, statistical data, etc. The axiological status in popular science video blogging also receives the quality of information accessibility and its presentation, being associated with the anthropocentricity of communication, information and evaluative impact. Polycode text resources play a significant role in achieving the goal of accessibility. The videos show rational and emotional types of assessment in argumentation. The importance of the speech genre of advice in the axiological space of the video blog is analyzed. The declared meaningful values in the videos are a healthy lifestyle, calmness and common sense as the absence of panic, responsibility for oneself and one’s health. Conclusion. The research results can be of theoretical and practical importance for studying the axiosphere of popular science video blogging.
Keywords: linguoaxiology, video blogging, “Nauchpock”, popular science discourse, health, values, evaluation in language
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Issue: 1, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 76 — 83
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