DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-5-133-143
Introduction. The need to introduce teaching methods contributing to the development of a multilingual educational space in Russian universities is due to the necessity of increasing competitiveness of Russian higher education. Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is one of the methods for solving this problem. However, its successful implementation requires additional training of subject teachers, which implies the development of a set of necessary competencies, which in the framework of this study is defined as CLIL-competence. The objective is to define CLIL-competence of a subject teacher, describe its components, assessment criteria, and propose the ways of its development. Material and methods. The theoretical methods of comparative analysis, synthesis and generalization foreign and domestic research on competencies necessary for the high-quality CLIL-training implementation are applied. Using the method of pedagogical modeling, development of the CLIL-competence of a subject teacher and approaches to measuring its level are described on a step-by-step basis. The method of comparative analysis, synthesis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature describing the world practices of implementing CLIL, and the content of the exam TKT: CLIL have determined the content of the advanced training course aimed to develop the CLIL-competence of a subject teacher. Results and discussion. The concept of “CLIL-competence of a subject teacher” has been derived on the basis of general cultural, general professional and professional competencies necessary for a subject teacher to implement CLIL. The criteria for assessing the level of this competence and their descriptors have been developed based on the didactic principles of CLIL and the content of the exam TKT: CLIL. A pedagogical model for developing the CLILcompetence of a subject teacher has been built on the basis of the advanced training course “Teaching a subject in a foreign language based on CLIL” developed on the LMS Moodle platform. Conclusion. The effective implementation of CLIL being an approach contributing to the creation of a multilingual educational environment of a modern Russian university is associated with the need to develop an appropriate set of knowledge, skills and abilities among subject teachers, that is, a CLIL-competence. This task can be solved in the process of professional development using the method of pedagogical modeling.
Keywords: CLIL, Content and Language Integrated Learning, CLIL-competence of a subject teacher, professional development, pedagogical modeling
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Issue: 5, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 133 — 143
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