DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-5-18-25
Introduction. The article is devoted to the methodological analysis of the complex of conditional speech exercises and their typology in textbooks on Russian as a foreign language for students who begin to study Russian at the elementary level. The paper deals with the problem of sufficiency / insufficiency of speech exercises for the formation of linguistic competence as an important component of intercultural communicative competence. As an object, a textbook on Russian as a foreign language is considered as the main component of the educational and methodological complex, which sets out the content of speech material and ways of mastering it through a system of exercises. The subject of this research is a methodological analysis of the typology of exercises as part of the complex in the “Family” section of textbooks on Russian as a foreign language (elementary level) “Let’s go!” (authors S. Chernyshov and A. Chernyshova), “Russian season” (authors M. M. Nakhibina, V. E. Antonova, V. E. Zhaboklitskaya, I. I. Kurlova, O. V. Smirnova, A. A. Tolstykh) and “Russian souvenir” (author I. Mozelova). Purpose of the study. To consider the complexes of conditional speech exercises in textbooks of Russian as a foreign language, their typology for the formation of linguistic competence in Russian among foreign students of preparatory faculties of Russian universities. Material and methods. Theoretical and comparative analysis of conditional speech exercises in the content of the “Family” section in textbooks on RFL, taking into account the communicative practice of teaching, made it possible to highlight the features of the types of exercises in each individual textbook. On the basis of a quantitative analysis, their ratio within the complex was determined. Results and discussion. As a result of the study, the types of conditional speech exercises, organized in complexes, are described. Their quantitative ratio is presented on the example of the content of the section on the topic “Family” in the textbooks of the elementary level: “Let’s go”, “Russian season”, “Russian souvenir”. Conclusion. This study is aimed at helping the teacher navigate the choice of a textbook for foreign students at the initial stage of study, depending on their needs and the goals of studying RFL.
Keywords: Russian as a foreign language, linguistic competence, a set of conditional speech exercises, speech skills, typology of conditional speech exercises, textbook on RFL
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Issue: 5, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 18 — 25
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