DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-5-7-17
Introduction. The article provides the survey of distance technologies implementation experience in response to forced transition to e-learning environment at the university classes of the English language. The objective of the work is to consolidate and summarize the findings of the questionnaire aimed at identifying students and teachers’ attitude towards the educational process transition to electronic format. Material and methods. Research statistics was taken from the questionnaire conducted in the first couple of weeks of online English classes and at the end of 2019–2020 academic year spring term. In order to solve the task the authors applied the following methods: the analysis of methodological literature on technologies introduction into educational process at English language classes, questionnaire given to university students and teachers. Results and discussion. The paper combines and generalizes the replies to the questionnaire about the very first experience of using e-learning environment fully instead of in-class activities for the English language classes at the university. Advantages and drawbacks of a distance education are mentioned as well as the level of educational process participants’ satisfaction with the language teaching quality within a new format. There are also some special aspects of teaching English online shown. It was defined that during these classes students and teachers had faced the major challenge – the lack of a real-life communication with verbal and nonverbal channels of information exchange. One of the undeniable benefits of a distance education when compared to classroom sessions is organizational aspect, especially time saving. Conclusion. Remote format of the English language classes is considered as a high quality alternative to in-class learning in situations when classroom settings are impossible to be organized due to different circumstances (pandemics, weather conditions, etc.). Practical focus of a “Foreign language” as a subject determines the significance of a real-life face-to-face communication during the classes.
Keywords: e-learning environment, distance education, teaching foreign language, university, quality of teaching
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Issue: 5, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 7 — 17
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