DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-4-7-14
Introduction. Study of texts’ headlines of different styles and genres in respect to their pragmatics is of interest in view of special role in organization of readers’ cognitive activity and influence on mass addressee. Up-to-date communicative and cognitive paradigm of linguistic knowledge aims to detecting of means and ways of effective organization of communication in different spheres including mass media. The aim of the article is detection of regulative facilities of different types of headlines in newspaper articles with relation to influence on mass addressee. The material and methods. The research was carried out on the material of «Rossiyskaya Gazeta» No. 8393, 2021 []. 63 headlines of the articles from the site of “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” had been studied, taking into account the content of these media texts; 1300 responses from 20 informants – participants of the survey– had been summarized. The research is carried out in line with regulative theory, developed in communicative stylistics of text. Results and discussion. The title of individual articles is included as an element in the headline complex of media texts of the «Rossiyskaya Gazeta». The text of newspaper publications on the site is accompanied by column, headline, notice, it includes the first paragraph of material, indication to the author, it contains hyperlinks to the other media texts, a photo that is placed before the article or beside it to realize illustrative or qualifying function. It is determined that influence function dominates in most titles, and in the others – the informative one. Regulative potential of media texts headlines is connected mostly with a motive for readers to read the articles. This is due to lack of understanding, semantic versatility of headlines and intrigue that is set up on its basis, and attracting attention of addressee on the basis of method of disappointed affectation which is used in a title due to oxymoron, tropes, precedential texts, language game, rhetorical questions, that requires participation. Therefore, range of regulative means and structures in the articles’ headlines permits stimulating readers’ attention to introduction with next by the title media texts. Based on the results of a survey of informants, their assumptions about the possible media text’s content in line to perception of a title did not match as a rule with real information in the article. It is obvious, that the lack of understanding in the titles performs primarily a pragmatic function and requires clarification and addition in the form of other accompanying media text materials, including the notice and photographs, which partly fill in the information missing in the titles. It was detected that stimulating role of a title is determined by direction to primary audience, in other words the connection of a headline that stimulates the following introduction with media text with primary audience, and addressee factor including the age of potential readers and their interests is proved. Conclusion. The introduced approach to study pragmatics of headlines as the element of media text on basis of regulative theory allows to judge some regularities in organization of cognitive activity of mass addressee and efficiency of titles’ types, which are connected with reflection of actual themes, criterion of addressee profit, medium language originality, creation of intrigue due to usage of special regulative means and methods. The surveys are of interest for media linguistics and communicative stylistics of text.
Keywords: media text, headline, article, regulative theory, regulative potential of a title
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Issue: 4, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 7 — 14
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