DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-3-49-57
Introduction. Nominations of the sides of the world are important elements of the category of space in the national language picture of the world. Linguists have long studied locative lexical units, examining their etymology, semantics, pragmatics and idiomatics, metaphorical transformations and linguocultural specificity in diachronic and synchronic aspects. However, the nominations of the sides of the world are rarely in the focus of attention. The aim of this article is to study and describe linguocultural specificity of the lexemes east, west, north, south in Chinese and Russian. Material and methods. The research was carried out due to its linguocultural character. It is based on the methods of observation, lexicographical, contextual and comparative analysis of the material, including Russian and Chinese lexicographical and literary resources. Results and discussion. Semantics, pragmatics, idiomatics and peculiarities of direction nominations metaphorization were studied in the linguocultural aspect. It was found out that in Russian and Chinese languages direction nominations have both universal archetypical and variable ethno-cultural features. A comparative analysis of the etymology and combinability of these units showed that they form a five-component semantic structure, including in addition to nominations of the east, west, south, north the nomination of the center as a point of reference for the speaker. Nominations of the sides of the world in both languages are represented in the paradigm of other meaningful and evaluatively opposed oppositions (for example, light - darkness) and occupy an important place in toponymy. It was found that complex words indicating intermediate directions in Chinese begin with the nominations east and west (for example, 东北 east-north), in Russian - with the nominations south and north (for example, north-west). These lexemes in direct and figurative meanings are part of the Chinese idioms and are often metaphorized in the national literature. In Russian idiomatics, they are present sporadically, and in literature they are not often metaphorized. Conclusion. Compared to the Russian language consciousness, the symbolism of the sides of the world is much more topical for the Chinese language consciousness. In Chinese mythology, literature and culture as a whole, the concept of the sides of the world is central. In the Chinese language they are connected with ideas about the gender and social structure of society, influence the forms of etiquette, the content of ceremonies, the national toponymy, the phraseological fund, etc. In Russian they have less evaluative and connotative potential, they are rarely metaphorized in folklore and idiomatics, in literature and in spoken language they are used as geographical landmarks in the system of spatial coordinates or directional markers.
Keywords: Russian and Chinese linguocultures, nominations of the sides of the world
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Issue: 3, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 49 — 57
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