DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-2-112-118
Introduction. The article discusses the possibilities of optimizing learning from the point of view of neuroscience, in particular, the neuropsychological approach. A solution to the problem of improving the quality of higher education in the era of digitalization through the activation of cognitive processes of students is proposed. The Aim is to show the possibilities of using neuropsychological exercises in a remote format of higher education for the prevention of neuroerosion and stimulation of learning motivation and cognitive processes of students are shown. Material and methods. The article is based on the author’s generalization of the experience of teaching subjects for bachelors and undergraduates in the field of «Speech Therapy» and «Oligophrenopedagogics» with the inclusion of neuropsychological exercises in the structure of lectures and seminars. The following methods were used: theoretical analysis of scientific literature, materials and publications of the psychological and pedagogical press, questionnaires and interviews of students in the remote learning format during the summer session of 2020. Results and discussion. Changing the educational environment with the advent of digital reality in higher education involves the development of new ways and forms of learning, the inclusion of means of activating students in order to reduce the risks of remote education. Significant problems of digitalization of education are prevention of weakening of cognitive processes, activation of learning motivation, development of self-control of educational activities. The expediency of using neuropsychological exercises as a tool that stimulates higher mental functions of students in higher education is shown. As a result of a questionnaire survey of 213 full-time and part-time students in the direction of preparation 44.03.03 Special (defectological) education in the profile of «Speech therapy» and «Oligophrenopedagogy», projected results of the use of neuropsychological exercises to increase the productivity of learning in the online format were revealed. Conclusion. Neuropsychological techniques can be used in professional training as a universal means of developing cognitive processes and preventing inhibition of higher mental functions of students, increasing motivation to master academic disciplines at the bachelor’s and master’s levels. In the digital format of University education, the need to increase students’ internal motivation to study, form ways of self-organization and develop self-control over the development of the educational program is actualized.
Keywords: digitalization of education, risks of online learning format, increase of learning productivity, neuropsychological exercises, stimulation of cognitive processes
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Issue: 2, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 112 — 118
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