DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-2-31-38
Introduction. Education nowadays is aimed at the establishment and development of a highly intellectual and creative personality with significant professional potential. Achieving this goal requires high qualification of the teacher in the field of the disciplines taught and his mastery of modern methods of organizing educational interaction with students. Aim and objectives. The main aim of the research being done is to analyze the educational potential of the thematic club of the funny and resourceful under the name of «State: economic and geographical position, the properties of a territory, a type of economy» in forming professional competences of students studying in the direction of training Geography 05.03.02 and master students studying in accordance with the master program «Digital technologies in geography», the profile «Geography in general and professional education». Material and methods. This article uses the research data set produced by organizing and holding a thematic KVN at the Department of Geography of NR TSU in the period from 2013 to 2019. We used group discussion, heuristic conversation, brainstorming, practical works and other interactive teaching methods within the course «Social and economic geography» and as part of conducting a thematic KVN. A questioning of bachelors and masters students allowed to determine the educational potential of the event. Results and discussion. Several stages of the event are singled out. During the introductory stage the students are introduced to the theoretical material of the courses, do practical work and prepare for conducting the club of the funy and resourceful when they are given special tasks to fulfill. Holding a thematic KVN includes a presentation of scientific information on characteristics of a state and a project of setting up a company in the territory of the country concerned, which is done by each group of students. The stage also deals with the solution of some situational problems and a scientific, musical and theatrical performance. The final stage of the thematic club is concerned with the analysis of the results obtained where all the participants are offered to answer some questions of a reflexive character. Conclusion. The educational and advanced potential of the thematic club of the funny and resourceful is significant and they are expressed in forming professional competencies in bachelors and masters of the directions concerned. This potential is also characterized by the intensification of the process of acquiring, understanding and creative using of the knowledge obtained to solve practical problems; involvement of all the participants and their active interaction with each other to find solutions to problems; development of personal reflection and self-analysis skills in group work; motivation growth to study a discipline, and formation of a positive attitude to a professional activity. On the basis of the factors mentioned, we can say that a new qualitative level of professional education of master students is achieved. The latter will become geography teachers in the future and will be able to employ modern pedagogical techniques and methods to ensure the quality of an academic and educational process in various educational institutions which is one of the major factors of forming a new generation of teachers and instructors.
Keywords: Interactive learning, thematic club of the funny and inventive people, professional training of geography teachers, the «Geography» direction, social and economic geography, basics of a project activity
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Issue: 2, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 31 — 38
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